The SGC Is Launching a our "Revamped Members of the Month Program”
Each Month the following categories will have a winner selected
Each category will have different requirements & Selection Criteria:
SGC Member of the Month*
Nominations from Peers
Activity Within the Community
Being Awesome
SGC Staff Member of the Month*
Nominations from Peers
Helping Clan Members
Activity Within the Community
Being Awesome
SGC Community Engagement Award*
Nominations from Peers
Amount of Discord Activity
Being Awesome
SGC Rookie of the Month*
(Must Have Joined within the last 30 Days)
Nominations from Peers
Amount of Discord & Community Activity
Being Awesome
Most Helpful Member of the Community*
(A Member That's always available to help out no matter what.)
Nominations from Peers
Community Activity
Being Awesome
*Winners are selected based on Community Leaders.
What this means for everyone.
Everyone has the potential to win but we are Relying on Submissions from the Community to help make the decision. So if anyone at all makes an impression on you for any reason ( Doesn’t Matter the reason ) please feel free to click the “Nominate” Button at the bottom of this page to submit a Form.
All Winners Have a Choice for their Reward
Gamer Tag Branded SGC T-Shirt
30,000 Stream Loyalty Points
2300 Silver in D2
Other Monthly Awards will be Distributed with other rewards.
Discord Users of the Month (Most Discord Messages, Non spam Channels) - Discord Title
Discord Clan of the Month - Most Messages Sent in Main Clan Chat - Bragging Rights
Discord Clan of the Month - Most Voice Minutes spent in Main Clan Chat - Bragging Rights
Sherpa of the Month - Most Submitted Sherpa Runs - 30,000 Loyalty Points (Must Be on Stream) & Discord Title
Community Clan of the Month - Most Accumulated CPOTW Points (30K Loyalty Points for everyone on Stream)