Community policy & rules

If you are caught breaking one of these rules, first offense is a warning issued directly from the staff member handling the report, second offense could result in temporary punishment and third offense will result in a ban. Keep in mind if an offense is serious enough The SGC reserves the right to Ban without a warning.
Offensive and NSFW content is strictly prohibited.
No threats of violence and/or harassment even as a joke.
No racism and/or discrimination. (Immediate Ban on first offense.)
Avoid excessive use of profanity.
Avoid sensitive topics prone to arguments (i.e. Religion, Politics, etc.)
Don’t derail a channels topic.
Don’t post links to sketchy places.
No self-promotion (Twitch links, stream links, social media, etc.)
Only speak in English.
Do not openly argue with Staff and/or members (Discussions and debates are allowed.) If a disagreement arises, resolve in DM’s.
Refrain from spamming (i.e. +1, 10char, rickrolls, etc.)
Other off limit content: Copyright material such as magazine scans, solicitation, begging, auctioning/selling, raffling, advertising, consoles wars and personally identifiable information (i.e. name, address, email, phone number, etc.)
Do NOT Circumvent the Moderation Bots.
No Exceptions! No one is exempt from the rules.
If you catch anyone, even someone with a Staff role, please report them to a member with an aforementioned role with evidence to your claim (screenshots or a second and/or third voice if caught in a voice channel.)
Anonymous Report a Member link
The SGC reserves the right to record any and all conversations*