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SGC Players of the Week & Clan Wars | 08/22/22

Writer: VyxVyx

Wowza, what a stream! We had a crazy hype-train before our host AGreeNer even got to his PC! Crazy amount of gift subs too... You could even score your own if you are on the stream!


For those that don't already know, These streams are dedicated to the most active community members, both in game, and in discord. We have multiple different categories which each have their own rewards! Players of the Week: These are the top 5 activity point holders for a present week. Players of the Week will be entered into a giveaway for 12000 ($100 USD) silver if they are present on the POTW stream, as well as a special role on discord for the week. More info here: *If these members attend the stream they will get 50k loyalty points! Community Players of the Week: Though similar to POTW, you earn this with a different form of points known as community points. info on this is found in the same link for POTW. These players are also entered into the 12000 silver giveaway if they are present on the POTW stream, as well as a special role on discord for the week. More info here: *If these members attend the stream they will get 50k loyalty points! Discord users of the Week: The top 10 most active users on discord. (5 for text | 5 for voice) These members will be entered into a 6000 silver giveaway if they are present on the POTW stream, as well as a special role on discord for the week. *If these members attend the stream they will get 25k loyalty points!


Destiny 2 Clans of the Week: The top 4 clans with the most overall activity points earn D2COTW. These clans get a customized clan role that they get to rock for the week! Ex. [ANRC] 🏆 Destiny 2 clan of the Week 🏆 *Each member that puts their clan tag in the stream will also get Loyalty Points! Community Clans of the Week: The top 3 clans with the most overall CPOTW points. These clans get a customized clan role that they get to rock for the week! Ex. [WOLF] 🏆 Community clan of the Week 🏆*Each member that puts their clan tag in the stream will also get Loyalty Points! Discord Clans of the Week: These are the top 4 clans with the most overall Discord activity. There are 2 categories in which this is earnable. Most active text chat, and most active voice chat. -PC and console each have their own winners. These clans get a customized clan role that they get to rock for the week! Ex. [ANRC] 🏆 Discord clan of the Week 🏆 *Each member that puts their clan tag in the stream will also get Loyalty Points!


Now let's get into that congratulating, shall we? Congratulations to our:

Players of the Week VOID | AkiraAkiyama994 SGN | chengstA FURY | Insane ANRC | TitanZebra WARD | Thundxr3774 Community Players of the Week VOID | hoppefalcon WARD | Sol Valkyrie DGEN | Archimedes the GOAT WOLF | URBAN OAT DEVL | GXD_Reaper Discord Users of the Week (Text) ANRC | Vyx DGEN | Slade745 SHOT | Chunibyo Weeb -------------------------------------------- WARD | 4x4 Strings VOID | Gentle Girth VOID | RachelHP Discord Users of the Week (Voice) STRM | Hi Am MacTavishXx DGEN | DoggieGamerBathWater STRM | Tvvex -------------------------------------------- VOID | RachelHP VOID | Hoppefalcon WARD | 4x4Strings Destiny 2 Clans of the Week Shrouded VII Shrouded Guardians Shrouded Fury Community Clans of the Week Shrouded Void Shrouded Degenerates Shrouded Devils Discord Clans of the Week Shrouded Anarchy Shrouded Storm -------------------------------------------- Shrouded Void Shrouded Wardens Congratulations to everyone that made it on this list! If you did, keep up the good work! Congrats to all of the POTW Honorable Mentions as well! Remember, you too can get a ticket into the raffle for 6000 Silver should you be present on the stream!



This season of Clan Wars sure was a competitive one! Void was in close second in the end, but Anarchy's prosperity was strong! Here's to another year of SGC shenanigans and Clan Wars! 🍻 You can see the final point standings of the top 5 clans below! • Shrouded Anarchy + 396 • Shrouded Void + 393 • Shrouded Wolves + 305 • Shrouded Wardens +275 • Shrouded Souls +267


And now for our clan attendance numbers!



NA Division: 48

Xbox Division : 73

EU Division: 14

PSN Division : 19

You can help track attendance for you clan by putting your clan tag in the twitch chat of the POTW stream! Ex: "#ANRC", "#FURY", "#VOID", "#KOTR". Do that, and our bot will do the rest! EZ PZ! If you enjoyed the stream, please tell your clanmates how awesome it was, and of course make sure to share if you win something! We love to see the things you win! August Loyalty Point Giveaway NERF LMTD Destiny Gjallarhorn Blaster (Life size) • Exclusive Destiny 2 “A Distant Howl” emblem • Exclusive Destiny 2 exotic ornament “Gjallarfoam”


Extra Life The SGC is proud to once again be a part of a program that benefits Children's Miracle Network Hospitals across North America! We will continue to collect donations until November '22. Our goal is to raise $3,000 for this amazing foundation. So far we have raised over $1,700 and will keep that number growing! Join our team and donate using this link. You can also donate by purchasing our Extra Life SGC merch, in which all earnings are donated to extra life! Thank you to everyone that supports this community and puts in the work to make it great! Each and every member is amazing! Stay awesome SGC!




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