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SGC Players of the Week 10/4/22

Writer: VyxVyx

Updated: Oct 7, 2022

For those that don't already know, the SGC awards the most active members of the community each week. There are multiple systems in which you can earn some sweet rewards, all of which are listed below! Winners must attend the POTW stream held every Tuesday at 6:00PM EST to claim their rewards!!


Players of the Week These are the top 5 activity point holders for a present week. You can learn more here. Rewards: +Entry into our 12000 silver giveaway ($100 USD) +Special discord role for the week +50k loyalty points Community Players of the Week Though similar to POTW, you earn this with a different form of points known as community points. You can learn more here. Rewards: +Entry into our 12000 silver giveaway ($100 USD) +50k loyalty points Discord users of the Week The top 12 most active users on discord text/voice. (6 per server) Rewards: +Entry into our 6000 silver giveaway ($50 USD) +Special discord role for the week +25k loyalty points Player of the Week Honorable Mentions Top 20 members that didn't quite make it as a POTW, but still did a great job and deserve some recognition! Rewards: +Entry into our 6000 silver giveaway ($50 USD) +Special discord role for the week +25k loyalty points


Destiny 2 Clans of the Week The top 3 clans with the most overall activity points earn D2COTW. Rewards: +Special discord role for the week +25k loyalty points +Bragging rights Community Clans of the Week The top 3 clans with the most overall CPOTW points. Rewards: +Special discord role for the week +25k loyalty points +Bragging rights Discord Clans of the Week These are the top 4 clans with the most overall discord activity in text/voice. (2 per server) Rewards: +Special discord role for the week +25k loyalty points +Bragging rights


Now let's get into that congratulating, shall we? Congratulations to our:

Players of the Week FURY | Insane KOTR | Thund3r-ButT-_- ANRC | Chip DEVL | Slender644 SHOT | xK Razak Community Players of the Week KOTR | Thund3r-ButT-_- WOLF | JediKyloBen VOID | jojcjay20 DEVL | Slender644 ANRC | Sleepy Discord Users of the Week (Text) ANRC | Vyx DGEN | Slade STRM | Kanoshem -------------------------------------------- WARD | TheSaintedN WARD | chaoticMase1000 WARD | Sol Valkyrie Discord Users of the Week (Voice) STRM | Hi Am MacTavishXx REAP | Orion REAP | Omegawolf -------------------------------------------- VOID | Aperezh OMEN | Phimshh WOLF | Ankrich Destiny 2 Clans of the Week Shrouded Anarchy Shrouded Knights Shrouded Fury Community Clans of the Week Shrouded Knights Shrouded Void Shrouded Anarchy Discord Clans of the Week Shrouded Anarchy Shrouded Storm -------------------------------------------- Shrouded Void Shrouded Wardens


And now for our clan attendance numbers!



NA Division: 35

Xbox Division : 52

EU Division: 10

PSN Division : 22

You can help track attendance for you clan by putting your clan tag in the twitch chat of the POTW stream! Ex: "#ANRC", "#FURY", "#OMEN", "#KOTR". Do that, and our bot will do the rest! EZ PZ! If you enjoyed the stream, please tell your clanmates how awesome it was, and of course make sure to share if you win something! We love to see the things you win!


Pretty nice if you ask me! Enter with your loyalty points here.


Halloween Festivities October is right around the corner, which means it's time for Festival of the Shrouded!

FotS is the SGC's very own transmog costume contest. Get together your spookiest fashion and post it in #festival-of-the-shrouded in the relevant category for your class! You can submit as many entries you want. The winner will be voted by *you*.

• Entries end October 24th

• Community voting will start October 25th and end October 30th*

• Winners will be announced during the PotW Stream on November 1st*


Festival of the Shrouded Discord role for your the class of which you won

100,000 loyalty points

SGC Merch (TBD)


Extra Life The SGC is proud to once again be a part of a program that benefits Children's Miracle Network Hospitals across North America! We will continue to collect donations until November 2022. Our goal is to raise $3,000 for this amazing foundation. Join our team and donate using this link. You can also donate by purchasing our Extra Life SGC merch, in which all earnings are donated to extra life! UPDATE: WE HAVE REACHED OUR GOAL!! Huge thanks to everyone who donated! Though we reached our goal, that doesn't mean we should stop donating. Even the smallest donation makes a difference. UPDATE #2: We have raised over $3,000 and have raised our goal to $4,000! If you can donate, please do! #FORTHECHILDREN UPDATE #3 We're almost there!! We have successfully raised $3,758 and rising for this amazing cause! Again I say, If you can donate, please do! #FORTHECHILDREN


See you starside, guardian.




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