Hello! Welcome! If you're looking to find this weeks POTW winners, you've come to the right place. For those of you that may be new to the SGC or it's community events, welcome! You can read below to learn about the different ways you can earn a sweet title, Destiny 2 silver, and Loyalty Points, as well as this weeks winners!
D2 Players of the Week These are the top 5 activity point holders for a present week. You can learn more here. +Entry into our 12000 silver giveaway ($100 USD) +Special discord role for the week +50k loyalty points Community Players of the Week Though similar to POTW, you earn this with a different form of points known as community points. You can learn more here. +Entry into our 12000 silver giveaway ($100 USD) +Special discord role for the week +50k loyalty points Discord users of the Week The top 6 most active users on discord text/voice. +Entry into our 6000 silver giveaway ($50 USD) +Special discord role for the week +25k loyalty points
Destiny 2 Clans of the Week The top 3 clans with the most overall activity points earn D2COTW. +Special discord role for the week +25k loyalty points +Bragging rights Community Clans of the Week The top 3 clans with the most overall CPOTW points. +Special discord role for the week +25k loyalty points +Bragging rights Discord Clans of the Week These are the top 4 clans with the most overall discord activity in text/voice. +Special discord role for the week +25k loyalty points +Bragging rights
Now let's get into that congratulating, shall we? Congratulations to our: D2 Players of the Week KOTR | Pr0bleM--Child6
SHOT | Buhmann
DEVL | MenacingOP-
DISC | Frostbite
WARD | Thundxr3774 Community Players of the Week LGIN | ItzDraiden
KOTR | Pr0bleM--Child6
SLS | RandomThree
VOID | hoppefalcon
WARD | Thundxr3774 Discord Users of the Week (Text) ANRC | Vyx
ANRC | Octolyte
WARD | ChaoticMason Discord Users of the Week (Voice) STRM | Mactavish
ANRC | Mister Wrecked
SHOT | Shinobi Weeb Destiny 2 Clans of the Week Shrouded Knights
Shrouded Souls
Shrouded Guardians Community Clans of the Week Shrouded Knights
Shrouded Wardens
Shrouded Souls Discord Clans of the Week Shrouded Wardens
Shrouded Anarchy (x2)
Shrouded Outlaws
Shrouded Storm
Shrouded Reaper
Winners must attend the POTW stream held every Tuesday at 6:00PM EST to claim their rewards!!
And now for our clan stream attendance stats! These numbers correspond to how many members of Shrouded put their clan tag in the twitch
chat during the POTW stream!
PC | Console |
NA Division Anarchy : 12 Catastrophe : 5 Degenerates : 1 Guardians : 1 IX : 1 Perfected : 0 Reaper : 4 Souls : 4 VII : 0 Wraiths : 5 | Xbox Division Dawn : 5 Omens : 15 Void : 15 Wardens : 11 Wolves : 6 |
EU Division Disciples : 3 Fury : 9 Outlaws : 2 Storm : 7 | PSN Division Devils : 7 Knights : 7 Legion : 1 Sentinels : 1 Spartans : 2 |
You can help track attendance for you clan by putting your clan tag in the twitch chat of the POTW stream! Example: #ANRC | #OMEN | #FURY | #DEVL

The SGC is proud to once again be a part of a program that benefits Children's Miracle Network Hospitals across North America! We will continue to collect donations until November 2022. Our goal is to raise $3,000 for this amazing foundation. Join our team and donate using this link. You can also donate by purchasing our Extra Life SGC merch, in which all earnings are donated to extra life! UPDATE: We have raised over $6,000! I am completely blown away by you amazing people, you are truly amazing. #FORTHEKIDS #SGCEXTRALIFE
December Loyalty Point Giveaway 5X Copies of Lightfall (A lot of money sent directly to your platform :D ) This great prize can be yours! Purchase tickets with loyalty points here!

Dawning Bingo Eva Lavante has been sighted. Ovens are preheating. The Dawning is almost here. This year the Shrouded Gaming Community is getting in on the Holiday cheer by bringing you our own holiday event: Dawning Bingo It runs from December 6th, 2022 through January 2nd, 2023. Here is what you need to know:
- Complete challenges to claim squares on your own Dawning Bingo Card. - Each Bingo earns you an entry into a multiple prize pool drawing at the conclusion of the event. - You can earn up to 14 entries if you complete all challenges. - The corners of the Bingo card are challenges involving community - The rest of the outer ring are in-game challenges that can be competed - The inner ring are in-game challenges that require an SGC fireteam.
Multiple prizes will be drawn for this event. Those prizes include...
• Loyalty Points • Game Codes • Destiny 2 Silver • Lightfall • SGC Swag
Some of these challenges are very grindy, but you have 4 weeks to get them done (except where the challenge specifies a time limit). You will claim these challenges by submitting proof of completion to your clan Admin and/or Officers. This could be a screen cap, video, streaming you completing the challenges, or just having staff present with you in game. Once they sign off you are good to go. As you complete bingos, create a personal thread in #dawning-bingo and post a copy of your card. If you have questions about any of the challenges or are have issues with clan staff sign off ping @SGC | Mister Wrecked or @Event Coordinator in the Q&A thread in #dawning-bingo and someone will help you out. One final note on the Clean Your Vault challenge. @SGC | Mister Wrecked has provided general guidelines to staff, but they are final arbiters of good faith here. This challenge is not meant to cause stress on anyone, but if you and your clan staff don’t see eye to eye on what tidying up your vault looks like let me know and I’ll sit in on a live vault cleaning. Happy Holidays!!!

TIC-TAC TELESTO Oh yes, the curse of Telesto is still around, and you can score your very own ₲Ⱡł₮₵ⱧɆĐ discord role when you complete 3 of the below activities in a row... Check out this sick info-graphic below to learn more!

Oh hey! You made it to the end! I guess this is goodbye... Until next week! Until then, enjoy the rest of your Holiday break!