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SGC - Players of the Week - 2/2/23

Writer: VyxVyx

There's been a lot of big news for destiny recently! Have you checked out the blog posts from bungie? They talked about things like Subclass 3.0 verbs now being implemented into some old exotics, Linear nerfs, MG and GL buffs, new EXOTICS, so on and so forth. With all these big changes coming, I wonder about other people's feelings twards Lightfall. Excited? Neutral? TERRIFIED? I know I am! No matter how our amazing community members are feeling, they sure do love this game, and their community! Let's get into our weekly POTW numbers and see who came out on top!


Congratulations to our: D2 Players of the Week FURY | Insane

ANRC | Dust_De2

CATS | LastJudgment

DGEN | Exier

SGN | Daft__Monk Community Players of the Week DGEN | temurson

SLS | GXD_Reaper

WARD | Lyfe Savage

ANRC | Vyx

VOID | jojcjay20

Discord Users of the Week (Text) WARD | ChaoticMason

WARD | 4x4Strings

WARD | TheSaintedN Discord Users of the Week (Voice) ANRC | YuhBoySasuke

WRTH | Tlyonic

WRTH | Yakob Destiny 2 Clans of the Week Shrouded Anarchy

Shrouded Knights

Shrouded Fury Community Clans of the Week Shrouded Anarchy

Shrouded Souls

Shrouded Void Discord Clans of the Week (Text) Shrouded Wardens

Shrouded Anarchy

Shrouded Void Discord Clans of the Week (Voice) Shrouded Anarchy

Shrouded Storm

Shrouded Reapers Winners must attend the POTW stream held every Tuesday at 6:00PM EST to claim their rewards!! To learn how YOU can earn these titles and get some sweet rewards, check out this other short article!


And now for our clan stream attendance stats! These numbers correspond to how many members of Shrouded put their clan tag in the twitch

chat during the POTW stream!



NA Division

Anarchy : 18

Catastrophe : 2

Degenerates : 6

Guardians : 3

IX : 0

Perfected: 1

Reaper : 4

Souls : 8

VII : 2

Wraiths : 1

Xbox Division

Dawn : 4

Omens : 10

Void : 20

Wardens : 19

Wolves : 4

EU Division

Disciples : 0

Fury : 3

Outlaws : 1

Storm : 1

PSN Division

Devils : 4

Knights : 9

Legion : 0

Sentinels : 1

Spartans : 0

You can help track attendance for you clan by putting your clan tag in the twitch chat of the POTW stream! Example: #ANRC | #FURY | #VOID | #KOTR


Loyalty Point Giveaways We've made some massive changes to our Loyalty Points and reward system and you can now enter any and all of these giveaways with your Loyalty Points! You could stock tickets into one giveaway for a greater chance of winning, or you could drop a few in each and get extra lucky... ENTER HERE *How do you earn loyalty points? Check this link!


SGC Crimson Days The Shrouded Gaming Community invites you to light the fires of camaraderie by participating in CRIMSON DAYS!

Starting January 31st, you can begin leveling up your EVENT PASS by completing challenges and earning rewards along the way. Then join us on February 25th at 1:00pm EST for our annual Crimson Days 2v2 PVP Tournament (with it’s own separate prize pool).

A few notes on the challenges:

Crimson Days Transmog: Your transmog must include red or pink. It can only include red, pink, white and black.
Craft Any Bow: A bow you have previously crafted counts for this event. The craftable bows currently in the game include Fel Taradiddle (Witchqueen - Wellspring), Under Your Skin (Season of the Risen – PsiOps Battlegrounds), and Tripwire Canary (Season of the Seraph – Heist Battlegrounds).
Fight Forever PVP: Give yourself the Fight Forever role via #self-assign-roles to access the Fight Forever channels and setup matches. Fight Forever Crimson Days matches are 2v2 Showdown, and loadouts are restricted to a bow, a special weapon and a power weapon of choice. Oathkeepers exotic Hunter arms are banned.

You can complete challenges starting January 31st. To complete a challenge, submit proof of completion to your clan staff for sign-off. As you complete each level you can post your Event Pass to #crimson-days to claim your rewards (like the @It Takes Two role).

Sign up forms for the Crimson Days 2v2 PVP Tournament, as well as a full rules packet, will be available in the coming days.

Any questions about CRIMSON DAYS can be posted in the Crimson Days Q&A channel under the #crimson-days forum.





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