Here you can learn about our weekly rewards and how YOU can earn them!
D2 Players of the Week These are the top 5 activity point holders for a present week.
+Special discord role for the week +7,500 Loyalty Points Community Players of the Week Though similar to POTW, you earn this with a different form of points known as community points. +Special discord role for the week +15,000 Loyalty Points For the two rewards above, please refer to the infographic imaged below: (You can also find this in the #destiny-2-pIayer-of-the-week-information channel in our discord server)

Discord users of the Week The top 6 most active users on discord text/voice. +Special discord role for the week +3,000 Loyalty Points
Destiny 2 Clans of the Week The top 3 clans with the most accumulated POTW points will earn this title. +Special discord role for the week +1,500 Loyalty Points +Bragging rights Community Clans of the Week The top 3 clans with the most accumulated CPOTW points will earn this title. +Special discord role for the week +1,500 Loyalty Points +Bragging rights Discord Clans of the Week These are the top 4 clans with the most overall discord activity in text/voice will earn this title. +Special discord role for the week +1,500 Loyalty Points +Bragging rights
Now what are Loyalty Points? That is a seperate article on it's own, and you can learn about them and how to spend here: And there you go! Now you know about how you yourself can earn and enjoy these titles and rewards! Go get em, guardian!